During a recent YouTube episode of ‘Gambyeolsa’ released on the 20th, singer Kim Jaejoong invited Twice‘s Jeongyeon to join him.

In the episode, Jeongyeon indulged Kim Jaejoong’s request to share a spicy meal together.

As they moved between locations, Kim Jaejoong shared that he often turns to spicy food to alleviate stress. He mentioned his fondness for solo activities, like drinking alone at convenience stores. Jeongyeon agreed, noting, “Celebrities rarely get to enjoy simple routines like drinking alone at convenience stores, so it’s the small things that bring them happiness.”

Reflecting on her own experiences, Jeongyeon said, “There was a period when I took a break from my activities. Since then, I’ve made a conscious effort to relax and find new hobbies. It’s been motivating. Knowing I can pursue these hobbies after work gives me energy.”

Kim Jaejoong, with his two decades of experience, advised, “I’ve learned to appreciate the small things. Even though the size of concert venues has shrunk, I always think about how I can give back to my fans. When I was younger, I struggled to express my love, but I’ve gotten better at it over time.”

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